After 3 years of fully independent business ownership it is
time to graduate. The ceremony does not include a fancy hat with tassel or
aisles of friends, family, and peers watching you accept a rolled up piece of
paper. In fact the entire learning process of entrepreneurship follows a completely
different path and it requires constant observations and execution.
Since the mid 90’s when I realized starting a business was
the route to follow, the universe begin taking notes. Some of us believe in
universal law which aids in developing guidelines and principals that in return
deliver results. Currently, the best guideline I follow is not relying on advice
from folks that do not reflect the behavior or lifestyle that you want to lead.
It has taken some time but personal experience has taught me to depend on self-motivation.
With that being said it time to move on and make another transition as I hope
many of you out are doing as well. Stay focused on the path to success by
determining your major, course work, professors, and ultimately your graduation
Today marks the date that I move my blog writing efforts
from the publicly shared google hosted platform called blogspot. I will
continue to write but on the newly created which is
an extension of the website which displays a branding approach and focus. Thank
you for continuing to support Just Right Technology and all that I do.